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Não podemos entregar a nossa nação Corrupção @drrenatosantos · 1 h NO JORNALISMO QUEM PRECISA DE PUXA SACOS, NÃO MUDAM NADA! RENATO SANTOSD BLOGUEIRO


Os cinco princípios básicos da Administração Pública estão presentes no artigo 37 da Constituição Federal de 1988 e condicionam o padrão que as organizações administrativas devem seguir. São eles: legalidade, impessoalidade, moralidade, publicidade e eficiência.

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A Gazeta Central de Publicidade e Jornalismo Ltda, CNPJ 067906692/0001-57, mantenedora da Gazeta Central Blog. não pactuamos com discriminação contra a Ucrânia, sabemos a importância da Luta para salvar a Nação da ditadura. Renato Santos

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RENATO PEREIRA DOS SANTOS FILHO Experiência 1988 Fotógrafo Diário de Guarulhos 1989 Entrevistador Jornal da Liga Árabe de Guarulhos 1990 Entrevistador Jornal do Brás e Federação do Truco Estado de São Paulo 1992 Redator, Fotografo da Gazeta Central de Publicidade e Jornalismo Ltda 1995 - 2.000 Professor Secretária do Estado de São Paulo PEB II 2.001 Arquivista Escritório Doutor Cornélio José Silva 2007 Auxiliar de Escritório Doutor Cornélio José Silva 2009 Arquivista Escritório Jose Maria Zey 2010 - 2012 Escritório do Doutor Cornélio José Silva 2013 -atual Blogueiro Escolaridade • Escola Estadual Professor Cyro Barreiros • Escola Estadual Salim Mudeh • Escola estadual romano Puggiari • Universidade Mogi as Cruzes ( Jornalismo Incompleto 1995) • Universidade Ung Letras ( Incompleto) • Uninove Vergueiro Ciência Jurídica ( trancado) • • Cursos com certificados OAB Certificado do curso/palestra Jurídicas 13 de julho 2005 OAB CERTIFICADO DO CURSO/PALESTRA A POLICIA JUDICIÁRIA NO ESTADO DEMOCRÁTICO E O INQUÉRITO POLICIAL À LUZ DA CONSTITUIÇÃO FEDERAL SETEMVRO 2005 TELECENTRO PREFEITURA DE SÃO PAULO CERTIFICADO E CURSO DE INTRODUÇÃO À HTML E OUTRAS LINGUAGENS DE COMPUTAÇÃO DEZEMBRO DE 2005 OAB CERTIFICADO/CURSO INVERSÃO DO ÔNUS DA PROVA NO CÓDIGO DE DESESA DO CONSUMIDOR MAIO DE 2006 OAB CURSO E CERTIFICADO LOCAL DE CRIME O CADÁVER, A FAUNA CADAVÉRICA E A PERÍCIA JUNHO DE 2008 ACADEMIA INTERNACIONAL DE DIREITO E ECONOMIA SETEMBRO 2008 CENTRAL DE CURSO DE RECOLOCAÇÃO E MARKETING ADMINISTRAÇÃO PROFISSIONAL DEZEMBRO DE 2008 IBCCRIM RESPONSABILIDADE PENAL NOS CRIMES DA DITATURA MILITAR 2008 USP UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO COMISSÃO DE DIREITOS HUMANOS DEZEMBRO DE 2008 60 ANOS DA DECLARAÇÃO UNIVERSAL DOS DIREITOS HUMANOS CIEE PERSPESCTIVAS DO S ETOR DE HABITAÇÃO 2009 EAD FUG CURSO DE FORMAÇÃO POLITICA 2010 CURSO DE PROFESSOR E A CRITIVIDADE IPC GUARULHOS 2016 FACULDADE FIA DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO E NEGÓCIOS CENARIOS 20/25 FEVEREIRO 2020 CURSO DE PORTEIRO CB0 5174-10 2020 CURSO DE TEOLOGIA SISTEMÁTICA/MISSIOLOGIA/HISTÓRICO DA IGREJA/SERMÃO/LITURGIA DE CULTO 2020 - 2021 INSTITUO BÍBLICO DA 1.ª IGREJA PRESBITERIANA CONSERVADORA DE GUARULHOS DESCRIÇÃO DOS CURSOS: Calculo trabalhistas Cálculo da Previdência Contratos Petições Iniciais ( civil trabalhista Criminal e Previdenciária) Todos administrados pelo Dr. Cornélio José Silva e supervisionados Gestão de Conflitos Pessoais e marketing administrados por Dr. Cornélio Na área de Jornalismo marketing A Importância do marketing Orientação da empresa para o mercado, Conceitos, tendências e tarefas fundamentais de marketing , análise Swot, sistema de marketing de pesquisa Liderança para às seguintes áreas profissional: Jornalismo/Publicidade, Advocacia /Politica Liderança e produtividade a função utilização em Administração e recursos Humanos para todas às área dentro de seus conceitos e preceitos objetivos críticos construtivos ou não. Desafios para a Gestão de Pessoas Gestão de qualidade os desafios atuais da gestão da advocacia e jornalismo para qualidade total

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A empresa Gazeta Central de Publicidade e Jornalismo Ltda, Mantenedora da Gazeta Última atualização: 3 de junho de 2019 e 08/07/2021 De acordo com o Ordenamento Jurídico Brasileiro, LEI Nº 9.610, DE 19 DE FEVEREIRO DE 1998. Altera, atualiza e consolida a legislação sobre direitos autorais e dá outras providências. Art. 1º Esta Lei regula os direitos autorais, entendendo-se sob esta denominação os direitos de autor e os que lhes são conexos. A lei 5.250/67 foi assinada pelo ex-presidente Castelo Branco meses depois da outorga da Constituição de 1967, quando o endurecimento do regime militar se iniciava. Com o objetivo de controlar informações, de acordo com as previsões da norma, jornalistas e veículos de comunicação poderiam ser detidos ou multados caso publicassem algo que ofendesse a “moral e os bons costumes”. A pena poderia ser aumentada se o conteúdo difamasse ou caluniasse alguma autoridade, como o presidente da República. Em 2009, após longo julgamento, 7 dos 11 ministros da Corte concluíram que a lei era incompatível com a atual Constituição, que é repleta de garantias à liberdade de expressão. Pode haver diplomados, menos jornalistas do que outros. Pode haver mais Jornalismo com Jota maiúsculo num blog do que na grande mídia. O Blog além de ser regulamentado pelo Google Sites em normas Internacionais, ainda o seu autor é responsável pelo seu conteúdo,assim sendo, ele pode ter credibilidade seguindo normas Internacionais e a seu País de Origem, além de citar as fonte do conteúdos, ficando ao cargo de sua empresa com CNPJ, e o nome do Responsável e não aplicar a fake news. O jornalista tem que entender como o Google acha a sua notícia, para que o seu jornal online seja lido. Ele tem que ter um blog, e por isso tem que entender que a linguagem, a frequência de atualização e o diálogo com o leitor é bem diferente em um meio digital. Outra finalidade do nosso blog, não somos agregadores de conteúdos e sim de opinião, fazendo uma análise nas principais noticias, com responsabilidade! Renato Santos

domingo, 17 de janeiro de 2016

Extra-Tropical Alex Speeding Through North Atlantic

Credits: NASA/NOAA GOES Project

A tempestade tropical Alex Rapidamente adquiriu características extra-tropicais na noite de 15 de janeiro como ele se espalhou para o norte em direção a Groenlândia no Oceano Atlântico Norte. A GOES-Leste imagem de satélite em 16 de janeiro mostrou que o sistema alongada ao sul da Groenlândia.

A tempestade tropical Alex Tornou-se extra-tropical em 15 de janeiro em 2100 UTC (16:00 EST). Nessa altura, o Centro Nacional de Furacões emitiu aviso O fim deles no sistema e disse "Satellite imagens e observações de superfície indicam que Alex perdeu suas características tropicais."

Alex foi localizado perto de 43,0 graus de latitude norte e 27,8 graus de longitude oeste, cerca de 290 milhas (470 quilômetros) ao norte da Ilha Terceira, Açores. Ventos máximos de Alex caiu para 35 TEVE nós (40 mph / 62 kph). Alex estava em alta velocidade para o norte a 35 nós (40 mph / 62 kph) e teve uma pressão central mínima de 986 milibares.

Um passe scatterometer em 15 de janeiro mostrou que o sistema estava perdendo seu vento máximo interior-core, com os ventos mais fortes bem removidos para o nordeste do centro.

No sábado, 16 de janeiro de NOAA GOES-Leste de satélite capturou uma imagem visível de tempestade extra-tropical Alex. Ambos GOES e de baixo nível de imagens de satélite de microondas mostrou que se tornou padrão de nuvens de Alex e agora se assemelham a forma alongada para frente.

NHC Espera Alex para ser apenas o sul da Groenlândia hoje, 16 de janeiro a 1800 UTC (13:00 EST) perto de 56,3 graus de latitude norte e 36,1 graus de longitude oeste. Aumento ventos máximos sustentados de 75 mph, mas é esperado para enfraquecer rapidamente. Até 17 de janeiro em 1800 UTC (13:00 EST), Alex é esperado ser absorvida em outra área extra-tropical de baixa pressão.

15 jan 2016 - NASA Fornece análise em profundidade de Unusual Tempestade tropical Alex

NASA forneceu os meteorologistas com uma variedade de dados sobre o out-of-temporada ciclone tropical Alex. O instrumento AREJA a bordo do satélite Aqua da NASA forneceu dados valiosos de temperatura, o instrumento RapidScat Identifica os ventos mais fortes, as taxas de mecanismos de elevação do núcleo de satélite fornecidos chuva e altura das nuvens, e NASA satélite NOAA-Suomi NPP forneceu uma imagem visível da tempestade.

Tempestade Alex é Rare

Alex tornou-se oficialmente um furacão em 14 de janeiro, 2016, 11:00 Horário padrão do Atlântico (AST) Com ventos máximos sustentados em 85 mph estimado pelo Centro Nacional de Furacões (NHC), tornando-se o mais rapidamente furacão a se formar no Atlântico desde 1938, quando a primeira tempestade da temporada se tornou um furacão de janeiro 4. Como Com Alex, também Essa tempestade se originou a partir de um centro extra-tropical de baixa pressão.

O último furacão para ocorrer em janeiro foi o furacão Alice em 1955, mas Alice já havia se tornar um furacão no ano anterior, no final de dezembro e em janeiro sobreviveu. Alex NHC declarado para ser uma tempestade subtropical na tarde de quarta - feira 13 de janeiro, quando foi Cerca de 785 milhas a sudoeste da Sul-Açores.

Alex começou a partir de uma área de baixa pressão que se formou Cerca de uma semana atrás ao longo de um velho sistema frontal Isso foi envolto em toda Cuba. Este baixo centro gradualmente moveu-se para o Atlântico geralmente posição oeste e começou a produzir atividade de tempestades como começou a curva para o norte em direção aos Açores. 

Muitas vezes, quando as tempestades extra-tropicais adquirir reforçada convecção é devido à instabilidade Sendo mais de águas quentes, mas no caso de Alex parece que a instabilidade se deveu, principalmente, ao ar frio no alto. De qualquer forma, a libertação de calor a partir Estas tempestades, que é conhecido como aquecimento latente, é o que permitiu Eventualmente Alex se transformar em um furacão.

AIRS Nuvem Top mede temperaturas

O instrumento infravermelho atmosférico Sounder ou AREJA voa a bordo NASA É temperaturas medidas do satélite Aqua no topo das nuvens do furacão Alex, em 14 de janeiro em 1429 UTC (09:29 ET). Fornece valiosos dados de temperatura AIRS para ciclones tropicais: como temperaturas superiores nuvem e na superfície do mar.

texto original

The image showed that the eye had become cloud-filled and bands of thunderstorms continued to circle the center of the storm, mostly in the western, northern and eastern quadrants. VIIRS collects visible and infrared imagery and global observations of land, atmosphere, cryosphere and oceans.

Alex's Future

Alex continues to accelerate and a gradual turn to the northwest is expected. On Jan. 15 Forecaster Pasch of NOAA's National Hurricane Center said that the post-tropical cyclone is forecast to merge with or become absorbed by another extra-tropical low within two days. For updates, visit NHC:

Rob Gutro/Steve Lang/Hal Pierce
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

Jan. 14, 2016 - NASA Sees Formation of Unusual North Atlantic Hurricane Alex

The low pressure area known as System 90L developed rapidly since Jan. 13 and became Hurricane Alex on Jan. 14. Several satellites and instruments captured data on this out-of-season storm. NASA's RapidScat instrument observed sustained winds shift and intensify in the system and NASA's Aqua satellite saw the storm develop from a low pressure area into a sub-tropical storm. NOAA's GOES-East satellite data was made into an animation that showed the development of the unusual storm.
RapidScat images of Alex
Early on Jan. 13 (left) NASA's RapidScat instrument saw the strongest sustained winds near 27 meters per second (60.4 mph/97.2 kph) northwest of center. Eight hours later strongest sustained winds near 30 mps (67.1 mph/108 kph) shifted east of center.
Credits: NASA JPL/Doug Tyler
Twice on Jan. 13 NASA's RapidScat instrument measured the strongest sustained winds in what was then a tropical low pressure area called "System 90L." RapidScat flies aboard the International Space Station. RapidScat's earliest view of System 90L showed strongest sustained winds were near 27 meters per second (mps)/60.4 mph/97.2 kph) and were located northwest of center. Eight hours later at 1200 UTC (7 a.m. EST) strongest sustained winds shifted east of center and increased to near 30 mps (67.1 mph/108 kph), making them tropical-storm force.
Later in the day at 2100 UTC (4 p.m. EST) satellite images indicated that the low pressure system developed into a subtropical storm and was named Alex. At the time, Alex was located near 27.1 degrees north latitude and 30.8 degrees west longitude, about 782 miles (1,260 km) south-southwest of the Azores. 
By 1500 UTC (10 a.m. EST) on January 14, hurricane force winds extended outward up to 25 miles (35 km) from the center and tropical storm force winds extend outward up to 150 miles (240 km).
This animation of GOES-East satellite imagery from Jan. 10 to 14 shows the development of Hurricane Alex in the Central Pacific Ocean.
Credits: NASA/NOAA GOES Project
An animation of GOES-East satellite visible and infrared imagery from Jan. 10 to 14 showed the development of Hurricane Alex in the Central Pacific Ocean. The animation was created at the NASA/NOAA GOES Project at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. The animation showed the sub-tropical low pressure area consolidate quickly on Jan. 13 and reach hurricane status on Jan. 14, 2016.
The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer or MODIS instrument that flies aboard NASA's Aqua satellite captured a visible image of Hurricane Alex on Jan. 14 at 15:30 UTC (10:30 a.m. EST) in the central Atlantic Ocean. The image revealed an eye and showed bands of thunderstorms spiraling into the low level center of circulation.
According to the National Hurricane Center, Alex is the first hurricane to form in the month of January since 1938. Alex is also the first North Atlantic hurricane thriving in January since Alice of 1955, which formed on Dec. 30, 1954. Alice developed on December 30, 1954 from a trough of low pressure in the central Atlantic Ocean in an area of unusually favorable conditions.
MODIS Image of Alex
Hurricane Alex on Jan. 14 at 15:30 UTC (10:30 a.m. EST) in the central Atlantic Ocean. The image revealed an eye and showed bands of thunderstorms spiraling into the low level center of circulation. Credit:
Credits: NASA Goddard MODIS Rapid Response
The Azores Meteorological Service has issued a Hurricane Warning for the islands of Faial, Pico, Sao Jorge, Graciosa, and Terceira in the central Azores, and a Tropical Storm Warning for the islands of Sao Miguel and Santa Maria in the eastern Azores. A Hurricane Warning is in effect for Faial, Pico, Sao Jorge, Graciosa, and Terceira in the central Azores and a Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for Sao Miguel and Santa Maria in the eastern Azores. 
At 10 a.m. EST (1500 UTC), the National Hurricane Center said that the center of Hurricane Alex was located near latitude 31.5 North, longitude 28.4 West. Alex was moving toward the north-northeast near 20 mph (31 kph) and a turn toward the north with an increase in forward speed is expected over the next day or two.  On the forecast track, the center of Alex will move near or over portions of the Azores Friday morning, Jan. 15.
Maximum sustained winds are near 85 mph (140 kph) with higher gusts. Little change in strength is forecast through Friday. The estimated minimum central pressure is 981 millibars.
NHC's Forecaster Pasch said "Remarkably, Alex has undergone the transformation into a hurricane. A distinct eye is present, embedded within a fairly symmetric mass of deep convection. It is very unusual to have a hurricane over waters that are near 20 degrees Celsius, but the upper-tropospheric temperatures are estimated to be around -60 degrees Celsius, which is significantly colder than the tropical mean.  The resulting instability is likely the main factor contributing to the tropical transition and intensification of Alex."
Alex is expected to maintain hurricane status on Friday, Jan. 15 and transition into an extra-tropical storm by Jan. 16 as it continues to move north toward Greenland.
For updates on Alex, visit NOAA's NHC website: .

Jan. 13, 2016 - NASA Analyzes Winds and Rainfall in Unusual Atlantic System 90L

NASA's RapidScat instrument and Global Precipitation Measurement or GPM core satellite analyzed the surface winds and rainfall rates occurring System 90L, an unusual storm in the Northern Atlantic Ocean, which may become subtropical.
GPM image of 90L
On Jan. 13, GPM saw rain in a few powerful storms was measured falling at a rate of over 94 mm (3.7 inches) per hour and cloud tops reaching heights of almost 12.5 km (7.8 miles) in System 90L.
Credits: NASA/JAXA/SSAI, Hal Pierce
For the past few days System 90L, a low pressure center far south-southwest of the Azores, has been monitored by the National Hurricane Center (NHC) for possible development into a subtropical or tropical storm.
This low pressure area was producing winds of over 52 knots (60 mph). The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June through November so a tropical storm developing this early in the year would be unusual but not unprecedented.
RapidScat image of 90L
On Jan. 12 at 12 a.m. EST RapidScat saw System 90L's strongest winds (orange) southwest and southeast of the low pressure center at 24 meters per second (53.6 mph/86.4 kph).
Credits: NASA JPL, Doug Tyler
On Jan. 12 at 12 a.m. EST RapidScat saw System 90L's strongest winds southwest and southeast of the low pressure center at 24 meters per second (53.6 mph/86.4 kph). Maximum sustained winds are not always equally distributed in a tropical cyclone and the RapidScat instrument helps forecasters find the strongest quadrants of a storm. RapidScat is an instrument that flies aboard the International Space Station.
The GPM core observatory satellite is a joint effort between NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. GPM had an excellent daytime look at System 90L on January 13, 2016 at 1201 UTC (7:01 a.m. EST). GPM's Microwave Imager (GMI) and Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) unveiled the rainfall pattern around this low pressure center. Precipitation derived from DPR showed that rain was heaviest in an intense band of storms east of the low's center of circulation. Rain in a few powerful storms was measured falling at a rate of over 94 mm (3.7 inches) per hour. A 3-D examination of the precipitation within this band by GPM's radar (DPR Ku band) found that some storm tops were reaching heights of almost 12.5 km (7.8 miles).
At 1:05 p.m. EST on Jan. 13, the National Hurricane Center noted that "Cloudiness and thunderstorms have become a little better organized since yesterday near the center of a low pressure system centered about 850 miles south-southwest of the Azores.  If this organizing trend continues, advisories will be initiated on the system later today.  The low is producing winds to near 50 mph over the southern portion of its circulation [as RapidScat also observed on Jan. 12], and is expected to move northeastward and northward over the eastern Atlantic over the next few days."
NHC noted that interests in the Azores should monitor the progress of this system and strong gusty winds could begin to affect portions of those islands by late Thursday or early Friday, Jan. 15.  The NHC gives this low pressure area a high chance to develop into a depression over the next two days.
For updates on System 90L, visit the NHC website: and Meteo France:
Harold F. Pierce / Rob Gutro

Jan. 12, 2016 - NASA and NOAA Satellite Data See North Atlantic System More Concentrated

NASA and NOAA satellites continue to monitor the North Atlantic Ocean's non-tropical low pressure system for hints of development into a subtropical storm. NASA's Aqua satellite provided cloud top temperatures that show where strongest storms are within the larger system, and the storm appeared more consolidated on NOAA's GOES-East satellite imagery.
GOES image of System 90L
This visible image of the low pressure area in the Central North Atlantic Ocean was taken from NOAA's GOES-East satellite on Jan. 12 at 1445 UTC (9:45 a.m.) EST. Africa is seen to the right.
Credits: NASA/NOAA GOES Project
NOAA's National Hurricane Center (NHC) noted the development of the extra-tropical low pressure area on Sunday, January 10 at 1:50 p.m. EST.
The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder known as the AIRS instrument aboard NASA's Aqua satellite measured temperatures in the system's cloud tops on Jan. 11 at 0435 (Jan. 10 at 11:35 p.m. EST) and later at 1541 UTC (10:41 a.m. EST).  AIRS provides valuable temperature data such as cloud top and sea surface temperatures. AIRS saw the coldest cloud top temperatures near -63F/-53C and strongest storms expanded from east of center to around the center of this out-of-season extra-tropical low pressure area.
AIRS image of System 90L
On Jan. 11 at 1541 UTC, the AIRS instrument aboard NASA's Aqua satellite saw coldest cloud top temperatures near -63F/-53C and strongest storms now circling the center in this out-of-season extra-tropical low pressure area.
Credits: NASA JPL, Ed Olsen
NOAA's GOES-East satellite captured a visible image of the low pressure area on Jan. 12 at 1445 UTC (9:45 a.m.) EST. Clouds and storms surrounded the center of circulation and in a band east of the center. The low pressure area has been designated "System 90L."
On Jan. 12 at 2 p.m. EST, the low was centered 1,100 miles southwest of the Azores, an archipelago in the mid-Atlantic. The National Hurricane Center noted that cloudiness and thunderstorms have become a little more concentrated and organized near the center of the storm's circulation. The low was producing winds to near 60 mph over the southern and eastern quadrants of its circulation. The cyclone is expected to move eastward to northeastward over the eastern subtropical Atlantic over the next couple of days.
NHC said "Although environmental conditions are only marginally conducive for development, this system could become a subtropical or tropical storm within the next day or so. Regardless of subtropical or tropical cyclone formation, this system is expected to produce hazardous marine conditions over portions of the eastern Atlantic for the next few days."
The National Hurricane Center gives this system a medium chance to develop into a depression over the next five days.  
For updated forecasts, visit NHC at or the National Weather Service High Seas Forecast at

Jan. 11, 2016 - NASA Eyeing an Interesting Weather System in Northern Atlantic

A non-tropical low pressure system that has a possibility of developing subtropical characteristics has developed in the Northern Hemisphere tropics. During the week of January 4, Tropical Storm Pali developed in the Northern Central Pacific Ocean. On January 10 an area of low pressure developed in the Northern Atlantic Ocean, far to the east of Bermuda and NASA's Aqua satellite captured a look at the system in infrared light.
Aqua image of Atlantic Low 1
On Jan. 11 at 0435 UTC, the AIRS instrument aboard NASA's Aqua satellite saw coldest cloud top temperatures near -63F/-53C and strongest storms east of the center in this out-of-season extra-tropical low pressure area.
Credits: NASA JPL, Ed Olsen
NOAA's National Hurricane Center (NHC) noted the development of the extra-tropical low pressure area on Sunday, January 10 at 1:50 p.m. EST. The system was about 900 miles east of Bermuda and is producing a large area of gale-force winds and maximum winds of hurricane force.
On Jan. 11 at 0435 UTC (Jan. 10 at 11:35 p.m. EST) the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder aboard NASA's Aqua satellite captured infrared data on the system. AIRS provides valuable temperature data such as cloud top and sea surface temperatures. AIRS showed strongest storms with coldest cloud top temperatures near minus 63 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 53 degrees Celsius) east of the center of circulation.
By 1200 UTC (7 a.m. EST) the National Weather Service (NWS) High Seas Forecast (HSF) stated that there is an Atlantic Gale Warning in the area of the low pressure system. At that time, the low pressure area was centered just north of 31.5 degrees north latitude and 44 degrees west longitude, about 900 miles southwest of the Azores. Minimum central pressure was near 985 millibars. The NWS HSF said that cold front associated with the system extends from 31 degrees north latitude and 39 west longitude to 25 degrees north latitude and 40 west longitude to 19 degrees north and 50 degrees west to 19 degrees north and 57 degrees west. The clouds along that front are visible in the AIRS infrared image and look like a long tail that extends from the east of the low to the south of the low pressure center.
The National Hurricane Center (NHC) noted at 1400 UTC (2 p.m. EST) that the non-tropical low was producing a large area of gale-force winds with maximum winds near 60 mph.  Shower activity was limited near the center, but NHC noted that the low could gradually acquire some subtropical or tropical characteristics during the next couple of days while it moves southeastward and then eastward into the eastern subtropical Atlantic. NHC said over the next 5 days this system has a 40 percent chance of becoming a depression.
NHC said "regardless of subtropical or tropical cyclone formation, this system is expected to produce hazardous marine conditions over portions of the central and eastern Atlantic for the next few days."
For additional information, see at

Last Updated: Jan. 16, 2016
Editor: Lynn Jenner

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